Courses Abroad British Summer

English courses

British Summer

Nowadays, has established itself as a benchmark in the sector, providing a totally personalized and close service.

These are some of their services:
ESO and Baccalaureate academic programs in various countries (Ireland, United Kingdom, EU, Canada, Germany, France, Swiss).
Summer quarters (New Zealand) and from September to December (Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada).
Courses for adults and summer courses for all ages.
Specialized proposals (immersion, specialization in specific areas, camps).
Multi-activity camps in Spain (Catalonia, Andalusia, Asturias).
«Learning Experiences» para practicar idiomas a través de aficiones.
Intensive courses for professionals and executives.
Professional internships and study at the teacher's home.
Advice for careers and higher studies.
School year abroad.
Study a year abroad

British Summer

Language courses abroad

Taking an academic year abroad or an academic term abroad is one of the most valuable experiences you can have as a young person.. Imagine living with a host family in a different country, acquiring a new language and immersing yourself in a totally different culture.
It would be an unparalleled opportunity to grow personally., strengthen intercultural skills and expand your academic perspectives.
Besides, It would give you the opportunity to forge international friendships and generate indelible memories..

There is no doubt that taking a school year abroad would be a transformative experience.
Imagine being part of a family in Minnesota. Study in a High School like in the series. With the yellow bus and your locker. Or celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland with Irish friends, learn english.

Fun, friends, unforgettable moments and many experiences! Study English abroad

Private classes

A private class has many more advantages than a group class. Here you will be the only person who will talk to the teacher and he will be able to adapt his conversation so that you can always understand him. Also in a group you speak little, The class becomes a grammar listening session and when the other students speak you hear someone's English "not native" that will make you get used to his accent.

Native teachers

A native teacher is essential for your learning to be perfect and for your pronunciation to adapt as quickly as possible to theirs.. Professor from England, from the United States, of Italy, from Portugal or Brazil. You can choose your favorite teacher if you have a specific need. Of course, all with experience and professionalism to offer you a class according to your objective..

Flexible schedule

Do you have a very complicated schedule? Do they change your work shift?? With us the schedule will never be a problem. The advantage of the private class is that you choose the day and time you want. Every time you come you book your next class, which can be a different day each time and a different time each time.. Did you book a class and can't come?? No problem, you cancel it and that's it
language courses

Learn by living experiences

Why are we going to deceive ourselves?, English is the pending subject. The language that everyone wants to learn. We all want to improve our level of English. That's why, At British Summer we only know how to offer quality English courses, so that no one gets lost in the search and everyone finds their ideal course.
A unique experience for children, english for teenagers, english for adults, English for whole families, English for desperate or not so desperate professionals. “English for everybody and everywhere”.
Imagine a summer abroad, improve your work experience, with English classes, in UK, USA, Ireland…