No nap, no flamenco, no bulls, not even paella... The stereotypes of Spaniards abroad have changed in recent years. If one starts to review the image we have of Spain in Europe or in the rest of the world, we can come up with an endless list of topics., but we wanted to share some of them that, for one reason or another, they are not so misguided.
1. For the Spaniard, football is his lifeAnd they are not so misguided, especially if we take into account how the victory in the World Cup in South Africa was experienced in Spain or the fact that some cities become 'ghost cities' when one of those "history-making" matches is broadcast..
2. Spaniards love 'everything for free'. Being given something as a gift can make them. What do you see a long line in any store in any city in Spain?? Rest assured that they give something away, even if it's a pen. A free pen is a free pen.
3. For a Spaniard, food is a partyHe loves gathering around the table, whether with friends, in family, to eat, for dinner, to have a coffee, to snack... They enjoy showing off their culinary skills and are also curious when it comes to asking how a dish they like was prepared..
4. Spaniards spend the day sunbathing and enjoying the beach. In reality, this is one of the clichés or stereotypes that people have about Spaniards in some countries around the world., but nothing could be further from the truth. They would like it! Although it is true that the climate is pleasant in many areas of Spain during a large part of the year..
5. The Spaniards speak loudlyIt is clear and we cannot deny it. Who has not traveled on the London or Paris metro and identified in two seconds the typical group of Spanish tourists?? They don't speak, they scream! and if we add to this the famous 'Pedrooooo' by Penélope Cruz when Almodóvar won the Oscar we already have transoceanic fame.
6. The Spaniards are stumps, but not like sobón and so on., but rather as a need for contact. They like to hug each other, push each other, pats, little touches with the palm of the hand... And when it's time to kiss, well also. Two kisses when introducing yourself to someone, two kisses when greeting, two kisses when you say goodbye...
7. Spaniards spend the day in the bar and love to party, although the exaggerated expression that claims that in Spain there is a bar for every inhabitant is not true., Yes, it is true that there is one bar for every hundred inhabitants more or less.. As for the party, well yes, The work calendar is full of holidays and the towns' patron saint festivals are almost a religion..
8. The Spanish do everything late and are also unpunctual. If compared to the habits of other European countries, it is true that they start the day much later., you eat very late, Dinner is super late and by bedtime we are already breaking records.
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